before you request! we are english speaking account, make sure you have verified carrd account, have at least one space for a new carrd, have an idea of what theme and layout you want for your carrd. what is in our personal carrds doesn’t affect this account.

don't request if! basic criteria, you are _phobic, invalidate neopronouns and neurodivergent & neuroatypical people, you are or support mspec lesbians, you use fancy fonts, you're not gonna use/delete the carrd we made for you, you will unfollow our account after we make your request, you gonna remove our credits

(1) you must be following @lovjbini.
(2) you must subscribe our youtube channel
(3) please be patient with us with requests because we might be busy with school/work stuff.
(4) do not remove our credit, we'll hard block you if you do.
(5) we have the right to ignore/decline your carrd req without further explanation.
(6) if you don't accept your req in 2 days, we will delete your carrd.
(7) please use the carrd we make for you for at least 5 days.
(8) if our request for carrds and/or carrd tutorials are closed, please don't ask for them.
(9) if you use carrd for inspo made by us please give cr.

common questions!
(1) how long do carrds take? it depends, but usually up to 7 days.
(2) are these for free? yes.
(3) do we notify the person that we have rejected their request? we have the right not to do so, however, in most cases, we inform you about it. unless the person broke the most important rule - not following us.
(4) do you need pro to request? not unless you want a carrd with pro features.
(5)do we make carrd templates? no, you need to be comfortable with providing needed infos. we have to know them to make sure you dont break our rules.
(6) will i be able to edit the carrd? yes, just please don't remove our credits.

we also made a moment on twitter where you can find carrd tutorials made by other accounts. we kindly ask that before you ask us about any tutorial, first have a look at our thread and moment in our pinned! the link - click!

— our forms! carrd req, pro backgrounds, carrd tutorials

we always write on twitter when the forms will be opened/closed, so please don't ask us about that on ccat. we usually open the carrd req form about a week after closing.

info in our personal carrds doesn’t affect this acc

admin 🧁karo !@yj4won,she/her
admin 🍼mya !@dteamie,they/them
admin 🍰rain/niko !@IoIhobi,he/any neos

if you're interested in purchasing carrd pro, we would be really grateful. if you could use our referral code LOVJBINI or our referral link

if you want to support us and send some money, we would really appreciate it!! anything will help us! here's the link to our PayPal